Budgeting Tips

1. Determine your income by assessing your sources. Are you working a job? Using loans? Receiving help from your guardians? Calculate your monthly income to determine your baseline.

2. Identify and list your fixed monthly expenses which will include rent and monthly subscriptions.

3. Track your variable expenses and provide a limit to how much you will spend each month on each category. Some categories can be groceries, gas, dining, extracurricular activities, and entertainment.

4.  If you are new to budgeting, most banks and credit cards will tell you how much you spend in each category of variable expenses. Use this to adjust your baseline spending expectations and readjust each month.

5.  Cook at home! Eating out can drain your bank account. Home-cooked meals taste better anyways ;)

6.  Use student discounts! Many popular companies offer deals for students when you sign up with your university email.