How do You Work Through Differences with Your Roommates?

1. Listening to understand, rather than to respond.
Hear what the other person is saying and paraphrase it back so that they know you are working to understand them. It is important to ask questions to open your perspective.

2. Validate each other’s feelings.
Reciprocated empathy allows people to feel comfortable when discussing topics that may be difficult for them. It fosters open communication and encourages individuals to express their thoughts and feelings – leading to more open and honest conversations.

3. Effective self-reflection.
Practicing self-awareness is vital in all relationships and is especially important when communicating through conversations where each individual has contrasting perspectives. This practice allows us to look neutrally at our thoughts, emotions, and actions with profound interest and curiosity. We can only communicate to our level of understanding about ourselves. Deepening that understanding allows us to speak with clarity and intention about our perspective while observing and understanding other perspectives.

4. Look for Compromise.
Look for a solution that meets everyone’s needs – either through compromise or a new creative solution that gives you both what you want most.