How to Decorate Your Rental Without Leaving Damages

  1. Command strips are your best friend
    Throughout college, I decorated my walls using all varieties of command strips. However, you need to make sure you are removing them carefully and following the directions, or else the paint will come off with it. If it refuses to come off easily then take a blow dryer to it for about a minute and try again.

  2. You can never have too many houseplants
    Plants liven up a room while boosting your overall health and well-being. If you have dark rooms, opt for plants that prefer minimal light.
    The Snake Plant can survive in droughts (for when you forget to water it) and low light while continuously purifying the air.
    The Peace Lily thrives in near-complete darkness.
    The Boston Fern is perfect to keep in a bathroom - even if there are no windows. It can thrive in artificial light and humidity.
    The Money Tree is a perfect plant to grow indoors in your brighter living areas.

  3. Buy a statement rug
    Choose a rug that incorporates your favorite colors and patterns that matches the decorated theme of your room. Hardwood floors can look boring, so a rug is perfect to bring your room to life.

  4. Removable Wallpaper
    A good quality peel-and-stick wallpaper is perfect to brighten up your space. It is generally damage-free and can be bought at your Home Depot. Just make sure to wash your walls with some gentle soap and water before you apply it.