5 Things to Keep in Mind Before Leaving for College

  1. Everyone is in the same position as you
    Lots of people will be making friends for the first time. If you look around and think that everyone already has a friend group - they likely don’t. They are probably people they just met the day before. Join conversations and meet as many people as you can - they will probably be grateful that you reached out to them. Since you will meet a large variety of personalities on a college campus, it gives you the opportunity to learn about yourself - as people will bring out different sides of you - while also learning what types of people you want to spend your time around.

  2. Stay open to new activities and opportunities
    Throughout college, it is vital that you push yourself out of your comfort zone. By doing this you may run into things that light up your soul, or something that depletes your energy. Knowing what you don’t like is just as important as knowing what you do - so keep opening yourself up to new experiences and people.

  3. Take Good Care of Yourself
    Walking into college with mental health issues can make your courses and daily life more difficult. To give yourself the best shot at enjoying your experience and keeping up with your grades, promptly see a therapist or psychiatrist for effective support through arduous times. Also, make sure to get proper rest since it strongly affects your brain performance, mood, and overall health.

  4. Get to know your professors
    These people are your lifelines for recommendations for internships and post-grad jobs. They could also be the people to give you a job. Pick a professor you may have for a couple of semesters so you have time to build the relationship and for them to remember you after you move on from their class. If you only have professors for one semester, then pick the professor for a class you are the most involved in. To build this relationship: introduce yourself, ask questions about a previous exam or quiz after class, and utilize their office hours.

  5. College will fly-by
    Those four years will pass incredibly fast. Make the most of it since it is the only time in your life you will be surrounded by people your age - all looking for connections, adventures, and learning experiences.

    Look through our other posts for more in-depth advice that could positively enhance your college experience!